At some point in their lives, most men have grabbed a ruler or tape measure and pressed it against their erect penis. It’s kind of a manly rite of passage, or at the very least, an excellent way to kill time on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
Whether you’re measuring for your own pleasure or to ensure you’re wearing the right size condom, there’s an incorrect and correct way to do it.
If you’re a guy, chances are good that you have grabbed a ruler or tape measure and measured your penis at some point. It’s a bit of a rite of passage for some guys or just something to do on a rainy day. However, measuring your penis in a proper way is important for sexual health reasons, such as determining the size of condom that you need to wear to minimize the chance of the condom tearing.
The best way to measure your penis is while it is erect. This will give you the most accurate measurements for both length and girth (circumference). Get yourself a ruler or tape measure, make sure that it is standardized, and place it at the base of the head of your penis, where it meets the pubic bone. Push past any excess fat or foreskin and measure in a straight line all the way to the tip of the glans on the top of your penis.
It’s a good idea to take multiple measurements and average them out, as your penis may not be completely erect at the time of measurement. Also, you should never measure your penis while it is flaccid or in a relaxed position, as this will give you inaccurate results. Likewise, don’t believe any of the old wives tales out there that correlate a man’s penis size with his shoe size, height, or even his sperm count or testosterone levels.
A flaccid penis is soft or not fully erect. An erect penis is firm, hard, and often pointing upwards. It is possible to have a long, thick flaccid penis or a small, short erect one, and the size of both can change with sexual stimulation, excitement, or even when not having an erection.
A man’s penis can also change size because of factors other than sexual arousal, such as temperature or the time of day. The penis can also become shorter when it is not erect due to a condition called Peyronie’s disease, which causes the muscles to shrink and make the penis less erect.
Men are often unsure of how big their penis is when it is not erect, and many think they have a smaller than average size. Taking a measurement of the length of the penis and its circumference will help determine the real size, which is important when choosing a condom size.
The easiest way to measure the length of your penis is to use a flexible ruler or tape measure. Position the end of the ruler or tape measure at the base of your erect penis, just below your pubic bone. Wrap the flexible measuring tape around your penis, ensuring it is snug but not tight or too tight. Take the measurement of the widest part of your penis, which is the head or shaft.
If you’re a man, chances are that you have grabbed a ruler or tape measure at some point in your life to measure your dick length. It’s a rite of passage for most guys, and a great way to pass the time on a rainy day. However, did you do it the right way? Whether you’re concerned about your dick size for sexy purposes or to determine the appropriate condom size, it’s important to know how to measure your penis correctly.
To get the most accurate measurement, use a soft, flexible measuring tape (like the kind tailors use). Gently straighten your penis as much as possible without force, and wrap the tape around it. Make sure that the tape is snug but not tight, and be sure to measure from the shortest distance around the shaft (no diagonal measurements). Aim for the area directly above your pubic bone – this method will give you the most accurate reading.
Remember, though, that even if you have a perfectly straight cock, there may still be a curve in the shaft. To be sure you’re getting an accurate read, it’s best to take a few measurements and average them out. It’s also worth mentioning that while there are many online penis-length calculators, most of them don’t account for curvature. There are also apps available to measure your dick, but we’re not convinced that they would be any more accurate than simply using a tape measure.
Many penis size studies disregard bendy boys, but a curved dick can still be just as important to the user. If the curve isn’t extreme, it’s usually benign and not something to worry about — unless you suffer from Peyronie’s disease, which can cause severe penile curvature. Measuring a curved penis requires more work than a straight one, as you have to measure around the whole cock, including the rounded tip. To do so, use a flexible measuring tape (like tailor’s tape) that will conform to the shape of your shaft and give you an accurate measurement. You can also use string if you don’t have tape, wrapping it around your dick and measuring its circumference against a ruler to get the length.
Regardless of whether your penis is erect or flaccid, there’s a right way and a wrong way to measure it. Buntrock explains that “standard rulers are not ideal for this purpose since they can be too rigid, especially in men with more body fat.” He advises against using a penile app because it may underestimate the true circumference of your dick. Additionally, pictures of a person’s penis often don’t allow for a proper appreciation of the three-dimensional nature of the curvature or associated abnormalities like hourglass deformity and narrowing of the shaft.