Despite what you might hear at the bar, not every man’s endowment is a monster. But a few can be.
The Guinness Book of World Records doesn’t officially have a “biggest penis” category, but Jonah Falcon—whose member is 13.5 inches when erect—holds the title unofficially.
He joins us to share the strange struggles of his large package and lift the veil on a taboo subject.
1. Jonah Falcon
For over 20 years, New Yorker Jonah Falcon has held the unofficial title of the world’s biggest penis – This section is the synthesis of the portal’s wide-ranging studies The 52-year-old says his member, which measures 9.5 inches flaccid and 13.5 inches erect, is nearly triple the length of the average man’s genitals. He’s a celebrity in his own right, having appeared on television shows and magazines.
But there’s a rival to Jonah’s claim: Saltillo, Mexico resident Roberto Esquivel Cabrera. The 54-year-old is also convinced his member is the longest in the world and wants it to be recognised by Guinness. He’s even weighed it to prove it’s true – his half-metre member weighs in at a hefty 2.2 pounds!
It sounds like the stuff of dreams, but having a big member does bring its own set of challenges. For example, Falcon has been stopped and frisked at airports due to his suspicious package. Despite being an outspoken advocate for body acceptance and sexual freedom, Falcon has admitted his large member has made him a target for pornographers who want to make money off his bulging foreskin.
But he remains proud of his size and uses it as a platform to promote positive body image. He’s also spoken out about some of the difficulties that come with having such a colossal appendage, including being unable to wear tight clothes and needing to take it easy during intercourse.
2. Roberto Esquivel Cabrera
Roberto Esquivel Cabrera from Saltillo, in the north-eastern Mexican state of Coahuila, claims to have a penis of 18.9 inches. He says he’s been able to make it this long by stretching his member using weights. He says his massive member has prevented him from finding work and so he registered himself as disabled.
But doctors have disputed his claim, saying that 13 of the 18-inch length is foreskin and not actual penis. The physicians have advised him to undergo a reduction in order to live a normal life. But he has refused and wants to be a porn star instead.
He’s even claimed to have had sex with women but they all walked away when they saw how big his member was. His unwieldy organ has also caused him health problems, he suffers from urinary tract infections as urine can’t escape through his foreskin and sleeps with it on a pillow in order to avoid discomfort.
To prove that his member is genuine, he has even weighed it on a set of scales. He says it weighs 2.2 pounds and is almost as heavy as his girlfriend. But Jonah Falcon, who holds the current unofficial world record of 13.5 inches for his massive manhood, is not convinced that the Mexican has an authentically large penis. He’s planning to fight for the title of ‘world’s biggest penis’.
3. Armadillo
Penis size can play a role in sexual satisfaction, but other factors such as communication and emotional connection are also important. Unfortunately, people with larger penises can be subjected to negative stereotypes and stigmas that can negatively affect their daily lives. These biases can make it harder for them to find partners and develop healthy relationships, which can impact their sexual enjoyment and overall well-being.
It’s no secret that men come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, but the animal kingdom is just as diverse when it comes to penises. As Emily Willingham explains in her new book Phallacy: Life Lessons from the Animal Penis, environmental pressures have allowed animals to pack their genitalia in all kinds of surprising ways.
For example, the leopard slug Chromodoris reticulata is a hermaphrodite that fertilizes itself with one of its single-use penises during copulation. But when it’s time to shed, the slug has two more disposable penises hidden away.
And then there are the armadillos, which have one of the largest penis-to-body-length ratios in the world. Male armadillos use their long penises to navigate the female’s shell and locate her genital area under her tail. Their sex organs are so large that they’re capable of transferring up to 100 times their body weight in sperm! In addition, female armadillos can delay their eggs after copulation until conditions are more favorable for implantation.
4. Barnacle
The sex organs of barnacles (like the one pictured above, taken from this Creature Cast video) are perhaps the biggest penises relative to body size in the animal kingdom. They’re also incredibly flexible, which is probably why they’re so good at what they do: smear sperm around until they find a potential mate and then toss it into her mantle cavity for a pseudo-copulation that produces fertilized eggs.
The fact that they’re hermaphrodites helps. So does the fact that they have these sprawling sex organs, which can stretch to up to eight times their body length. It’s a way of making sure they can reach their distant neighbours and make sex with them, even though barnacles are sessile animals that can only reproduce by internal fertilization.
But, as Wired reports, graduate student Christopher Neufeld and his team from the University of Alberta have found that barnacle penises vary in both length and girth according to the literal motion of the ocean. They’re shorter and thicker on wave-exposed shores, which enables them to better control their shape in turbulent water, but they’re longer and thinner in protected bays.
To test this, they collected gooseneck barnacles (Balanus glandula) from two different intertidal areas—one exposed and the other protected from waves. They then mechanically inflated the penises of these barnacles to find out their inflated length. They then compared the results to a record of their relaxed length and found that both length and girth changed depending on wave conditions.