Irritation in the penis area can be uncomfortable, especially if itching is combined with pain or discharge. Causes include genital herpes, male thrush, contact dermatitis from soaps or condoms, and a number of skin conditions such as eczema.
An itchy penis or groin can be embarrassing to talk about with a doctor, but the condition is fairly common and not always related to sexually transmitted diseases. Here are some reasons why your penis may be itchy along with tips for relief.
1. Soap Irritation
Penile itching is a symptom that can indicate a variety of medical conditions. Whether you’re experiencing pain, itching, swelling or a rash in the area, you should seek treatment to prevent complications and irritation.
If the itching is caused by soap or other chemicals that irritate the skin, there are several OTC creams and ointments that can soothe the itch and relieve symptoms. These products may also help prevent itching in the future by restoring healthy and hydrated skin.
Another common cause of itching in the genital region is a fungal infection like thrush or scabies. These infections can affect any part of the body, including the groin, and can be treated with antifungal medication.
Other common causes of genital itching include poor hygiene, an allergic reaction to certain medications, a yeast infection and some sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It’s important to practice safe and healthy groin care to help prevent these conditions. This includes regularly cleansing the genitals with a gentle cleanser and using barrier methods during sex to prevent STIs. You can also help protect your groin by wearing loose and comfortable clothes and avoiding tight-fitting clothing.
2. Eczema
Men can experience itching on the head of the penis (known as the shaft) and on the glans penis (the tip). A yeast infection called candidiasis or male thrush can cause itchiness in this area, as well as a rash and lumpy white discharge. A skin condition known as psoriasis can also be a cause of itching in the genital area and this often looks like flushed, red patches of scaly skin. Scabies, which is caused by tiny mites burrowing under the skin, can cause intense itching in this area as well.
A man should visit a doctor if the itching is severe or does not improve with OTC treatments. The doctor may recommend a sexual health screen or other tests based on the symptoms and location of the itching. The doctor may also prescribe a topical ointment or other medications to treat the condition that is causing itching in this area. Using a gentle lubricant can help reduce friction and prevent itching in this area. Avoid shaving the genital area and using harsh soaps or deodorants on this sensitive skin.
3. Bacterial Infection
If you have an infection or irritation on the penis that causes itching, see your doctor. The condition may require specific treatment with a prescription medication.
Itching near the penis can be a symptom of an STD such as herpes, chlamydia or gonorrhoea. If the itching is accompanied by pain whilst urinating or discharge from the penis, you will need to complete a full sexual health screen.
Bacterial infections can be spread from person to person via coughing, close contact, anal or oral sex. They can also be transmitted by sharing contaminated towels, bed linens or underwear. They can also be transmitted by bites from infected ticks, fleas or mosquitoes.
Certain chronic skin conditions that can affect the penis include psoriasis (itchy red patches of scaly, itchy flat topped bumps), lichen planus and scabies (mite infestation). To help prevent irritation on the penis, wear loose, natural-fiber underwear, wash thoroughly with antifungal soap and use a gentle cleanser like baby wash. Applying a soothing ointment to the penis such as a specially formulated penile health creme can also help reduce itching.
4. Fungal Infection
If your itching is accompanied by a red rash or cottage cheese-like discharge and you are uncircumcised, then you might have a yeast infection of the penis called lichen nitidus. This can lead to pain while urinating or itching of the head of the penis (balanitis). This can also cause itching under the foreskin, a rash and a tingling sensation. If this is a problem for you then you should seek medical help to get a prescription anti-yeast cream.
Using the cool compress technique mentioned above can help reduce itching of the penis and genital area. You can wrap ice in a towel and apply it to the groin area for 5 to 10 minutes. This can help relieve irritation caused by Lichen nitidus and balanitis.
Many itching problems in the genital area do not need to be seen by a doctor and will improve with over-the-counter treatments. However, you should always see your doctor if the itch is severe or doesn’t respond to treatment and is accompanied by symptoms such as redness, pain or blisters.
5. Allergies
Allergies are one of the most common reasons for penile itching. These can be caused by a variety of things including soaps, shampoos, fragrances, fabrics, and even metal in clothing like trouser zips. All of these allergies can cause itchy skin, rashes and sores on the penis and elsewhere on the body. They can also trigger scabies which is an extremely itchy disease affecting the genital area.
When an allergen comes into contact with the body it is mistakenly identified as a dangerous substance and the immune system produces antibodies to attack it. These antibodies attach to the allergen and cause it to release a chemical called histamine. Histamine causes a series of symptoms including itching.
Itching in the genital region can be uncomfortable, awkward and embarrassing especially when it occurs at inconvenient times. But there are ways to relieve the itching and prevent it from causing further damage. It is always a good idea to consult a doctor for specific treatment options. Seek medical attention if your itching is severe and does not improve with over-the-counter treatments or appears alongside other symptoms such as discharge, swelling or pain.