Penis shrinking does happen, but it usually doesn’t affect a man’s ability to have an active, satisfying sex life. It can occur for a variety of reasons.
The most common reason for a decrease in phallus length is weight gain, but some men also lose their erectile function after prostate surgery. Certain medications can cause penile shrinkage as well.
As men age, their genitalia shrinks. This is because of reduced blood flow and a decrease in testosterone levels. The penis also loses its smooth surface and becomes a little harder to keep erect.
The good news is that this is a natural part of the aging process. However, many men are not happy about the change in their member size. As a result, they look for ways to prevent or reverse the effects of shrinkage. This can include consuming certain foods and drinks, trying different exercises, and even using a penis ring.
In addition to being a normal part of the aging process, shrinking can also be caused by various medical conditions. For example, atherosclerosis (clogged blood vessels) and obesity can cause the arteries that supply blood to the penis to shrink.
A doctor can confirm whether a man’s penis is getting smaller by conducting a physical examination, blood tests, and imaging tests such as an ultrasound. The doctor may also recommend therapy or medications to treat the underlying condition that is causing the penis to shrink. In some cases, surgery is also recommended if other therapies or medications do not improve the condition. Men should see a doctor if their erections are becoming weak or painful. They should also talk to a doctor if they have any problems urinating.
Weight Gain
A man’s penis may shrink due to a variety of factors. Age, weight gain, and medical conditions can all lead to a decrease in length or girth. Fortunately, these changes won’t impact your ability to have a satisfying sex life.
As you age, your penis loses collagen and elasticity and erections can become smaller, less firm, and harder to achieve. While this isn’t a good thing, it’s natural and won’t negatively affect your sex life.
If you’re overweight, gaining too much body fat can make your penis appear shorter because the spongy erectile tissues will be hidden underneath your thicker skin. Similarly, if you suffer from a condition known as Peyronie’s disease, which is when segments of flat scar tissue (called plaques) develop on the penis, it can cause erections to be difficult or painful.
Luckily, these types of conditions can usually be reversed by making healthy lifestyle choices. Changing your diet, exercising regularly, limiting alcohol consumption, and not smoking are all great ways to improve the appearance of your erections. In addition, using a vacuum-like erectile pump can help improve penile length and girth for men who are overweight or suffering from Peyronie’s disease. In some cases, a change in penile length or girth can also be addressed with a simple surgical procedure. However, a surgeon should be consulted before any procedures are performed.
If you’re a man who is worried that your penis has shrunk, you’re not alone. Men of all ages can find themselves worrying about their staff size as they age, but the good news is there are things you can do to prevent your penis from shrinking further than it should.
The first step is to understand that your penis can shrink because of Peyronie’s disease, a condition in which the phallus becomes curved or smaller due to plaque buildup on the shaft of the phallus. Having this condition is very painful, and it is important to see your doctor or sexologist as soon as you notice a change in your penis’ length or shape.
Smoking can also cause your penis to shrink because it causes atherosclerosis, which is when fatty deposits build up in the arteries. This inhibits blood flow and can stop your penis from stretching, causing them to become shorter. This is a big reason why smokers are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction.
If you want to help your penis return to its original length, the best thing you can do is quit smoking. The benefits of quitting include improved vascular health and decreased risks of heart disease, lung damage, high blood pressure, and diabetes. To make it easier to quit, try using nicotine patches or gum to help you overcome the cravings associated with smoking.
Erectile Dysfunction
When you’re sexually aroused, blood flows into the erectile tissues of your penis. This fills two chambers in the penis known as the corpora cavernosa, causing them to become stiff. This rigidity allows for an erection. When these tissues start to break down, it becomes harder to get an erection. Over time, this can lead to a shrunken penis.
This problem is called erectile dysfunction, and it can be caused by health conditions like diabetes and heart disease as well as injuries and trauma to the penis, such as sports injuries. It can also be the result of poor or unhealthy lifestyle habits including smoking, excessive alcohol use and poor diet. Mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, can also cause erectile problems.
Erectile dysfunction can be treated with medication, exercise and therapy. For example, a doctor can prescribe a medication that improves blood flow to the penis, such as sildenafil (sold as Viagra). They can also recommend lifestyle changes and counseling to help you deal with anxiety about having an erection.
Your penis can shrink from age, but this is usually a harmless part of the normal ageing process. If you experience erectile difficulties, however, it is important to see your primary care physician or a urologist for help. They can evaluate your symptoms and test you for health conditions that can cause them.