Penis enlargement surgery, also known as cosmetic phalloplasty or penis implant, permanently increases the length and/or girth of the penis. Unlike medically necessary procedures, elective men’s enhancement treatments are not typically covered by insurance.
Surgical enhancement methods include silicone implants, fat transfer, and suspensory ligament release. During the fat transfer procedure, surgeons remove fatty tissue from your hips or thighs and purify it before injecting it into the penis.
Penis enlargement surgery costs will vary depending on the technique used. Some procedures, such as sphincter lengthening and suspensory ligament release, may be more expensive than others. It is important to understand the different types of penis enlargement surgery and to discuss realistic expectations with your surgeon before scheduling an appointment.
Penile augmentation is often less costly than other cosmetic surgeries, but it should not be considered cheap. It is important to find a skilled, board-certified plastic surgeon with a solid track record. You should also do your research and avoid low-priced surgery providers, as they may be inexperienced or use outdated techniques.
One popular option is the Penuma implant, which is a crescent-shaped piece of medical silicone inserted under the skin. This procedure typically requires general anesthesia, which will increase the overall cost of the surgery.
Fat transfer is another less-invasive option that involves using purified fat cells from another area of the body to sculpt the shaft of the penis. Patients may experience multiple rounds of injections before they see the desired results. In most cases, patients can expect a three-centimeter increase in their penis’ length. Note that significant increases in length require a sphincter lengthening procedure, which typically includes releasing the suspensory ligaments and surgically repositioning the tip of the penis. It is also not recommended for men who have a functional penis that is already in the normal size range.
The procedure is typically a quick injection and does not require hospitalization. Patients may experience some pain, but ice and pain relief can help reduce this. Patients should avoid masturbation and sexual activity until the area has healed completely.
Surgery can involve insertion of silicone implants, transfer of fat cells or using skin grafts to increase the size of the penis. The surgical procedure can also be used to correct a defect such as a congenital shortness or an injury to the penis. Penile lengthening is typically considered a cosmetic surgery and is not covered by insurance. However, a true medical need for penile lengthening is rare.
While a person can feel self-conscious about the size or shape of their penis, it is important to consider the impact on overall health and function before considering surgery. It is also possible to get the same desired effect through nonsurgical treatments.
A surgeon’s fee is a significant factor in the cost of any cosmetic treatment. Plastic surgeons have overhead costs such as office rent, staff payroll, professional insurance and medical supplies, as well as personal salaries. A more experienced plastic surgeon or a specialist may have higher fees for their skills and will add to the cost of a procedure. Similarly, anesthesiologists have a set cost for their services which will affect the total cost of treatment.
Penis enlargement procedures may require time off work, medication, and other personal expenses. While these costs can vary, they are likely to be included in your surgery’s final cost estimate. Other potential costs to consider include consultation fees, travel, pre-surgical care, and recovery supplies.
As a cosmetic procedure, penis lengthening and girth augmentation are not typically covered by health insurance. However, men who undergo these procedures often find that the boost in self-esteem and sexual satisfaction is well worth the investment. In fact, on RealSelf, the vast majority of penis enlargement reviewers who say their results were “Worth It” cite increased girth and length as a primary reason for their positive outcomes.
One of the biggest determining factors in the overall price of a surgical penis enhancement procedure is the surgeon’s fee. Penis enlargement surgery, or phalloplasty, requires an experienced and skilled surgeon to ensure consistent results. As such, surgeons who specialize in this treatment often charge more than non-specialists.
Another significant factor in the cost of a penis enhancement procedure is the type of surgery chosen. Some options, such as fat transfer or suspendory ligament release, offer permanent results; others, like a composite augmentationphalloplasty or penile implant, are more temporary and less expensive. As a result, deciding on a specific treatment option early can help to lower the final cost of your procedure.
Penis enlargement surgery, also known as phalloplasty, requires the utmost skill and artistry to perform safely and achieve consistent results. As such, surgeons who specialize in male enhancement tend to charge more than their less-experienced counterparts.
The type of penis enlargement procedure chosen also impacts costs. Nonsurgical enhancement methods, such as fat injections, cost less than surgical procedures, like silicone implants and suspensory ligament release. Regardless of which option you choose, you should carefully research surgeons, request references, and look through before-and-after photos to find the right doctor for you.
Many men who seek penis enlargement want both length and thickness increased. Some surgical options offer this, while others provide a trade-off between the two. The best way to determine what’s most important to you is to discuss your goals with your surgeon.
The Penuma device is a soft, spongy silicone implant that stretches the skin and soft tissues of the penis. It’s the only implant of its kind with FDA approval. During the procedure, your surgeon makes a small hole in your groin and inserts the Penuma device through it. Your surgeon can customize the size and shape of the Penuma to suit your unique penis anatomy, ensuring natural-looking results. You may experience pain with erections or loss of sensation for a few days after surgery, but these effects typically resolve within a few weeks.